Science proves the existence of God and the truth of the Bible!


God exists: Science proves the existence of God and the truth of the Bible!

Science proves the existence of God and the truth of the Bible!

Everything you need to know!

Many scientists and scholars of religion, affirm that God and the various gods were created by man. In this creation, human beings have projected into the divine beings two circumstances or dimensions that man cannot appropriate or explain: on the one hand, the force or powers of nature, and, on the other hand, the mystery about the existence of life in a world that is both beautiful and terrifying.

However, the belief, or faith, in the existence of a One God (monotheism), or various gods (polytheism), is based on a natural phenomenon of humanity - religion.

Belief systems developed by man were naturally erected to provide functions vital to the social organization of pre-modern societies. That is, religion provided meaning for life and an explanation of the world (cosmology).

These vital functions were fulfilled by religion until the emergence of modern science in the sixteenth century. Up to these moment, the existence of God was understood as something natural and objective. But this was profoundly shaken by scientific development.

Modern science has removed from religion the function of explaining the world. This has led to a crisis of credibility in religion. Consequently, the natural and objective dimension of the existence of God was questioned and the pillars of religion (meaning of life and explanation of the world) have been weakened.

After 461 years (1543-2004) of the birth of modern science, science has provided us with proofs that reinforce the vital functions of the Bible, and attest to the existence of God. These proofs were collected by NASA’s Hubble and Spitzer telescopes. This discussion was presented in the book The BIBLE and NASA: Discoveries of the Hubble and Spitzer Telescopes Strengthen Biblical Faith.

Science also provides elements that show the true character of the Bible and biblical knowledge. This subject was presented in the book Genesis of Creation: Cosmology in the Bible and Science.

God is real

The truth of the bible

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Editora & Livraria Deus Existe was created in 2018 to elaborate, edit and offer books that magnify God and biblical knowledge.


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